outdoor fun

Friday, August 24, 2007

Timmy's 2nd Birthday

This is an old post Mommy found but forgot to publish.
Just to let you know how big I am, I am going to start a pre-preschool. Pretty cool huh. Mommy is going to do it with a couple of other ladies in the church. Their kids are my age so I will have some fun kids to play with. I would play with Lilly, but she is too little. The other day I tried to play cars with her, but I only hurt her. Mommy put me in the corner so I would learn to be soft. I can't wait until she is a little bit bigger and we can play cars and trucks together.

My birthday was a lot of fun. We had a really fun pool party and my cousins and friends came. Daddy made this really fun water slide. We had a fun time. Lilly liked it too, and I loved the cake Mommy made. It was a truck! The frosting was delicious. I hope all of you are excited for your birthdays. Well, gotta run.
The slide was a hit for sure.
The pool was a lot of fun.
The water slide rocked. This is my cousin David going down. Good job on the slide Dad.

Good job on my birthday cake Mommy. It was so tasty.
Mommy caught me snitching frosting from the cake.
Going down the slide. WHEEEEE!

My friend Kenny pulled me in my train for a ride during a fun dinner for our neighborhood. I loved it a lot. Mommy helped me a lot with the painting.

The tire swing at the park. I love going to the park.

I am a big two year old now.

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