outdoor fun

Friday, January 4, 2008

Winter fun 2007

Of course winter is a lot of fun and I have enjoyed it a lot. Even Lulu got out and played in it. Mommy pulled us around in the sled, which was a lot of fun, and we made a little snowman, and best of all, I went snowmobiling with my friends at Bumpa's cabin. Well, a lot of them were Mommy's friends, but Entze did come with 'Lissa and we had a fun time. I love the snow, but I don't like to be Bur Coldie. I do love "ha ca ca" (hot chocolate), especially with marbowows (marshmallows) in it. YUMMY.

Look at how bundled up Lulu is. Mommy says she is the prettiest thing around, and I am the most handsome.We love to play in the snow with Daddy.
I can be such a big helper. I like to shovel.
This is Bumpa's Cabin in Heber. We love to go there.
Here I am on the snowmobile. Vrooom, vrooom. Go faster Daddy.

Here "Aunt"Serena is holding Lulu. She wouldn't let girls hold her very often, but Serena got lucky. Lulu really liked Tyson though.

I am sneaking in this picture with "Aunt" Alycia, Becky and Mommy and Lulu. Becky was able to come to the cabin for the afternoon. Mommy had a nice visit with her.
This is Becky on the snowmobile. Mommy and Daddy and Becky "lost" Tyson on this ride. Well, they didn't lose him, he actually got his snowmobile stuck really bad and it took at lot of help the next day to get it out.

Here is another picture of Mommy with her ND friends. "Aunt" Alycia, "Aunt" Erica, and "Aunt Serena"

This is "Aunt" Alycia and "Uncle" Tyson. We think they are very funny and I love having them come and play with me.

This is my friend 'Lissa and her daughter Deden (Dresden). I love going over to their home and playing with all their fun toys. It was fun to have them at the cabin.

This is Entze. She is crazy. Look at her fun piggytail. We shouldn't have been jumping on the bed, but it was a lot of fun.

We also had the Pederson family come over. They were a lot of fun too. Angie caught some really cool air when she was on the snowmobile. It was AWESOME!

Look at those little red cheeks. My cheeks were pretty red too. But we still didn't want to come inside.

Yeah! We love the cabin. Can we do this every year?

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