outdoor fun

Monday, May 21, 2007

Hello again everyone. I have had a pretty fun month. My Grandma and Granpa Zentz came to visit me and we had a lot of fun. Grandpa Zentz made me a rocking horse and I love to ride on it and say NEIGHHHH. :) I also love my cars and trucks.

Summer has been fun so far. Daddy bought me a fun kiddie pool and I love the water. Maybe I will swim like Mommy and Daddy did. I am a really big boy now. I don't have a binkie anymore!!! It was hard to give up and I cried for an hour and a half the first night I didn't have it. But now I am pretty good to go to bed without it. I still talk about it sometimes, but I know it is broken.

I am excited for Lilly to come. I kiss Mommy's tummy and give Lilly loves. I have a baby doll of my own that I really like. Mommy got it in Russia.

Mommy is working on Lilly's room a lot. She is almost done, but it is taking her a long time! I love the chickens (bauk bauk) and the horsie (neigh, neigh). It is pretty fun to take out all the things Mommy has in the drawers too. I love to throw Lilly's clothes around. Mommy doesn't like it when I do it, but it is a lot of fun.

Well, I have some pictures and hopefully you will enjoy them. :)

love you all.


Here I am in my really fun pool. It broke when Daddy tried to put it away, so he bought me a different one. It has fishies on it and I really like it.
Here is Grandma Zentz. We had a fun time outside in the backyard. I even splashed her a little bit.
This is Mommy and I with the Easter bunny. I was scared of him, so Mommy held me. That made me feel better.
This is what Lilly looks like in Mommy's tummy. Well, she is probably bigger now, 'cause Mommy is 8 months pregnant instead of seven. Mommy has lots of pictures of Lilly inside her tummy because her doctor wants to be sure that everything is going well. I look at them sometimes with Mommy, but I can't understand much of it.
Hopefully Mommy will get with the program and put up the pictures so you all can see. :)


The Hiller Family said...

Timmy! You are so cute! I can't believe how fast you are growing and becoming such a great big boy! You will be a wonderful brother for little Lily! Tell your mommy to put some of the ultrasounds of Lily and to be sure you tell us all about her when she is born... maybe you can share this blog with your sister and let her tell us stories too! Have a fun day... I'll see you hopefully in June!
Your Auntie Heidi

Anonymous said...

Good post.