outdoor fun

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Our Scissor Fiasco!

(Mommy)...So while I was busy in the bathroom, I hear Timmy yelling to me.... "Mommy, look at how handsome my hair is." So of course I finish doing my business and come out and find this.

So, I had to use the number 2 on the buzzer, with the shortest blade selection. He asked me if he was going to be bald and I pretty much told him yes, and if I had to buzz Lilly's hair, then I would shave all of his off!!!

It turns out that Timmy, after cutting his own hair, gave (shared) the scissor with dear Lilly, who proceeded to do this to her hair.

Need I say how upset I was. She had the perfect hair. It was fine, but thick and I could pretty much do anything to it. French rolls, braids, cute little things....And when it was wet it was passed the middle of her back.

This was all the locks that fell on the floor. I don't know how much I had to cut off, but it was crazy. I really tried to do an a-line, but I couldn't get it to blend with where she cut it off, so I finally decided to buckle down and just cut it off.
The evidence....The incriminating scissors and the locks of hair found in the half-bath.
Lilly's saved lock of hair from her first haircut. Which I may have already lost.
Lilly's back of the head shot. Not too bad. But I told her we would be wearing a lot of flowers and headbands.
I don't think she was near as sad about the short hair as I was... When daddy came home....he said she looked like Peter Pan....Lilly lauhged and said in a singsong voice.... " I look like Peter Pan. He he he."
ken also said when he came home... "well, I always wanted another boy!" I am glad I was able to keep the top long. And everyone says all kids cut their hair at least once, so I am hopefull that this will never happen again, unless it is planned by me. :)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Mommy took a picture of me for my first day. I have a pack-pack and everything. I am so excited for school.

We had to line up and wait for our teacher to come and get us. The play ground was a lot of fun.

This is my teacher Mrs. Wolfe and me. I think she is very nice. She told me a secret... That I'm smart.

So it really has been a long time. Today was my first day of Kindergarten! I am going to Highland Elementary and I had such a fun time. Mommy and I walked there. We had to walk a little fast so I wouldn't be late. My teacher's name is Mrs. Wolfe, but she doesn't look at all like a wolf. She is very nice too. I learned about all sorts of things today and made some new friends. We didn't get a snack though. I am such a big boy now. I don't get to ride the bus like I would have at the old house, but it was fun walking. Hip Hip Horray for Kindergarten. :)

A note from Mommy.
I have to say that I was very excited for Timmy to go to school. I loved kindergarted and my teacher Mrs. Northrup. It was so much fun. The learning, the playing, and we did get snacks. I sure hope that Timmy has a thirst for knowledge and a love for reading. I am proud of you Timms and love you so much. You are growing up so fast. I know that you will have a lot of fun you smart boy you.